Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Quinn says voters beware on Brady's anti-tax promises

Gov. Pat Quinn today suggested voters should be wary of promises not to raise taxes from opponent Bill Brady, saying Republican governors have a history of doing just that once they're safely elected.

“That’s the Republican way,” Quinn said. “That’s what (Gov. Jim) Thompson did, twice. That’s what George Ryan did. That’s what they do.”

Quinn has pushed for an income tax increase since shortly after he succeed his impeached former running mate Rod Blagojevich in early 2009. Quinn argues the state needs more money to deal with its crushing budget problems. Brady, a state senator from Bloomington, has pledged not to hike taxes and says the state must cut spending and live within its means.

“Bill Brady will force Illinois to live within its means to avoid a tax increase on the families and businesses of Illinois,” said Brady campaign spokeswoman Patty Schuh today. “It is inappropriate to place any tax increase on those families and business in the middle of an economic crisis.”

Brady, however, has provided few budget specifics. Quinn says that’s no accident.

“He’s had ample opportunity to present plans for making our budget better. He took a pass, he hid out,” Quinn said. “I am a straight shooter. I tell people what they need to know. I am not a politician who is going to run around Illinois telling fairy tales before the election and then unloading on people after the election.”

Quinn pointed to former Republican Gov. James Thompson, who maintained state finances were fine while campaigning, but later pressed for an income tax increase. Thompson got Democratic help on that when lawmakers approved a temporary income tax hike in 1989. Gasoline taxes, the cigarette levy and a new tax on computer software were approved at the same time.

Almost a decade later, former Gov. George Ryan vowed not to raise taxes while campaigning, but enacted liquor taxes and vehicle fee increases after winning office in 1998.

Posted at 05:23:58 PM in 2010 Illinois election, 2010 Illinois Governor's race, Taxes

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