Thursday, June 24, 2010

Smears Against Mark Kirk are Just Another Attack on the Military

A friend of mine, who is involved in grassroots politics, called to tell me a close friend was being asked to be the Chairman of Catholic outreach for the Illinois Republican party. She said she was going to write a column about how GOD has chosen this as a test for him; would he do the right thing or would he allow himself to be used to get Catholics to support Mark Kirk?
I asked her who she would choose between Kirk and Ginnoulias. Her answer seems to be what allot of conservatives are thinking; there are two maybe three candidates running as independents she said, that in a year like this could win. To prove her point she referred to a poll that said a majority of voters want neither candidate. I asked if she really believed that the next United States Senator from Illinois would be an Independent? Her answer was “That’s why I said God was using this as a test and I believe that God can create miracles”. I had to say “Not in Illinois politics he can’t”.

How things have changed in this Senate race and how well the media and yes even the Kirk, campaign itself has done to separate Kirk from the GOP base. It looked like Alexi was on the ropes with all of his Broadway banking troubles; then Ed Marshall the producer at WBBM TV, publicly let Alexi off by telling Kirk “We’re really not going to cover the Senate race if it is consistently, only in your terms, is about Broadway Bank. Alexi’s been pilloried!”

Marshall made it clear Congressman Kirk had to find something else to talk about. Can you believe that? Giannoulias, in his campaign for Treasurer, used the fact that he was the executive director of a growing neighborhood bank as his bona fides. Kirk shouldn’t talk about a twenty something banker, who gave questionable loans to mobsters, and in 2006 while he was in charge, allowed Tony Rezko to kite $450,000 in bad checks?

The fact that the bank failed, cost the taxpayers tens of millions of dollars and Alexi and his family absconded with millions of dollars after his father died isn’t worth mentioning anymore? I wonder if Mr. Marshall will call for the same ceasefire for Mark Kirk now? I mean Ginnoulias is harping on Kirks misstatements about his real life military career. Will Marshall say “What is your campaign going forward Alexi? What are the issues you are going to tell the voters why should they vote for you?” quoting his admonishment of Kirk.

It shouldn’t be a surprise that the Democrats and their allies in the media chose to attack someone’s military record. Of course they’re against the wars and don’t support the people in the military who are risking their lives, or their mission. For over two weeks now in the middle of two wars, Ginnoulias and his protectors in the media, have the nerve to attack someone who is actually serving in the military. The fact that his commanding officer said the honor was directed at Kirk, and was because of the work Kirk did, didn’t change the tone of the attacks. Now even Dick Durbin the hysterical whiner who when describing what a few Americans had done to prisoners in Iraq, said “you would most certainly believe this must have been done by Nazis, Soviets in their gulags, or some mad regime — Pol Pot or others” Had the nerve to attack Kirk.

You would think that Durbin would have learned his lesson from his comparison that had him on the floor of the US Senate in tears asking for forgiveness. Now we know they were crocodile tears. He and his Democrat cohorts have used their antimilitary stands to take control of the country; this attack on Kirk is just a continuation of that same strategy.

I read a poll where only 17% now believe Kirk is telling the truth; about what? To allow anti-military knuckleheads like Durbin and Alexi to smear anyone who has served or still is serving during war time is criminal. I wouldn’t care if it was just a private who was kicked out after boot camp at least they tried to serve their country. Instead of allowing them to get away with this, people should be asking what they have done for the country, they should be embarrassed for their behavior.

My Republican friends where was the conservative running against Dick Durbin? I went to many meetings to find a candidate, none came forward. Dr. Sauerberg ended up as the candidate and Durbin with all of his baggage got over 68% of the vote. Where were all of you bloggers then? All of you saying you couldn’t vote for Kirk apparently didn’t vote for Sauerberg either. I would rather have Dr. Sauerberg than Dick Durbin and I don’t even have to think twice about that. Yes there were good candidates in the last primary but none had the money, charisma or the foresight to get out early and build a statewide organization Mark Kirk won. So now we should ask for Kirk to step aside? Why? Because some snot nosed millionaire is attacking him for his service?

Alexi Ginnoulias is as far left as Obama, he will vote 100% for the Obama Socialist agenda and what’s more important, to make either Dick Durbin or Chucky Schumer the next Majority leader in the Senate. (I take for granted Harry Reid will lose). The one vote that we can count on Mark Kirk making is for Majority leader, if the GOP does not win Obama’s old seat we can’t take back the Senate it is just that simple. The GOP needs every seat to get to nine. Even if Harry Reid and Barbra Boxer lose and even with the huge victory of winning the Kennedy seat the Democrats will still run the Senate if Kirk loses. One more vote on the Supreme court and the 2nd amendment is a goner and any hope of reversing Roe for another generation is gone as well we need to take back the Senate.

To Mark Kirk and his campaign; you had better wake up and do some grassroots outreach. You need to find some common ground with the GOP base and apologize for being so arrogant. It should have been your campaign that put this forward, and the reasons to vote for your candidate, not someone like me from the outside. You need to do a few mea culpas and ask for help. You might be surprised with the answer. If you do it now.


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