Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Reinvigorate the GOP, Refocus Conservatism

Over recent years, at least 20 probably more, a generation of careerists of both parties have established a bulwark of legislators, legal processes, administrative mazes, campaign funding schemes (think: "Pay to Play"), public treasury, union and media complicity all dedicated to the perpetuation of their self-interests at the expense of us citizens.

Their methods gradually, insidiously confiscate our earning power, lay claim to our property, and deprive us of our ability to determine the purposes to which we would commit our personal time and property of our own free will. How? By virtue of commandeering our time. Not by dictating any particular hour of our workday, but by pre-empting our ability to receive income undiminished. The time it takes to earn the monies is what is denied us. They do so through taxes, fees, higher pass-thru costs, tolls, and a litany of other devices in order to pay for their comforts, their incumbancy, their personal enrichment, their status.


  1. You must be a beautiful man and brilliant too.

  2. This looks fine to me

  3. Are these comments as posted here attractive enough or at least good enough for now? Or should I keep hunting?
    Also, should I create the same type of page, probably with different templates for the various regions of the State's Assemblies and Grass Roots groups?

  4. This is fine can we edit people from this platform?
